Our Why


Know God. Know Yourself. Know Truth.

The Why

Comenius School for Creative leadership Dallas exists to provide families and students with a unique and innovative experience. We are a non-accredited school so we can opt out of Federal and State requirements that have become restrictive and burdensome. We have been led by the Lord to build a school based on the model designed by Jon Amos Comenius, the father of modern education and on the very successful Comenius School for Creative leadership at CSCL Fort Mill, S.C. We are thrilled to provide this opportunity to our children in DFW and believe that our community is ready to embrace and support a school led by the wisdom and voice of God.


We are a Kingdom School created by God to educate our students whole being (spirit, mind and body) so they can lead in the ever changing world of tomorrow.

Statement of Faith

Students at CSCL Dallas are…

Commissioned to Make Disciples

God reveals Himself in the Bible as Creator and “the way, the truth, and the life”. We honor Him as Lord and King. All curriculum and instruction flows from the Biblical worldview that in Christ Jesus, God established His kingdom and commissioned His people to make disciples of all nations. We teach our students to preach the Gospel in word and action, knowing that signs and wonders follow those who believe. Mark 16:15-18, 2 Corinthians 5:11-20

Friends with God

A student’s personal relationship with Christ is the core of all they can learn and accomplish. We teach our students to receive and respond to God’s offer of intimate relationship by loving Him in return with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength through communion with the Holy Spirit.

Luke 2:52, Mark 12:30, 2 Corinthians 13:14

Sons and Daughters of God

Knowing and personally experiencing God’s transforming love, power, and truth is the deepest need and greatest joy of humanity. As our students grow in friendship with the Lord and learn to follow the Holy Spirit, they will perceive themselves as God perceives them and embrace their true identity as a child of the King. As they work FROM God’s acceptance rather than FOR it, holiness and Christ-like character will become more an internal motivation to position them to fulfill God’s call on their life and less a merely external expectation. Galatians 4:7, Romans 8:14-17

Successful Learners and Leaders

Our purpose is to nurture a love for learning in our students and to help them understand their learning styles and strengths, thereby equipping them with the skills to be successful, self-directed learners. Students with this self-understanding become excellent contributors and leaders in both church and society. Ephesians 2:10, Psalm 15

Passionate Worshipers

Worship is fundamental to our relationship with God. It recognizes His worth and we become like the One whom we worship. We believe the arts find its true home in service to God, so our students learn to express worship through dance, music, choir, drama, painting, and drawing. John 4:23